legal bills

美 [ˈliːɡl bɪlz]英 [ˈliːɡl bɪlz]
  • 诉讼费账单
legal billslegal bills
  1. But the number does suggest that the bank still has significant legal bills ahead of it .


  2. We 've tons of legal bills , you 've lost all your clients


  3. Analysts say damage to Toyota 's brand could require the company to spend on advertising , sales incentives and possible legal bills .


  4. On Friday , JPMorgan said that it had put aside $ 23 billion to cover future fines and legal bills .


  5. It 'll beyour great-great-grandchildren paying off the legal bills .


  6. The company was trying to extract money from a stone , however , so after its enormous legal bills , it had lost a serious financial battle .


  7. Moreover some companies ended up having to pay costly legal bills to figure out who owned their shares when they eventually prepared for their IPOs .


  8. " To the degree that there is more litigation about the foreclosure , it not only takes more time but now you are running up legal bills ," Ross said .


  9. He added that ICAP was not paying the legal bills of the three former employees who face criminal charges and said that he did not know any of them personally .


  10. The firm says it could face an additional $ 4 billion in legal bills , but not all of those cases are tied to the housing bust and its aftermath .


  11. A third executive , Laura Pendergest-Holt , who had also been fighting for payment of her legal bills , settled her case with the insurer on Monday .


  12. News Corp said last week that its phone-hacking settlements and legal bills had already cost it almost $ 200m , but bribery allegations pose a risk that is harder to quantify .


  13. I have quit my job , paid off my divorce settlement and legal bills , given up my house , given up my apartment , put what belongings I had left into storage in my sister 's place and packed up two suitcases .


  14. Details of the cost of the clean-up of the fraud perpetrated by Mr Madoff , who is serving a 150-year sentence , underline the litigious nature of the US judicial system , especially in complex , high-profile cases that lead to hefty legal bills .


  15. This paper analyzes two issues of legal system of bills of lading from the view of the new institutional economics .


  16. The key to the question is to judgment whether there is the legal relation of bills of lading stipulated of article 78 between the carriers and FOB seller .


  17. Discussions on electronic contract The Legal Status of Electronic Bills of Lading


  18. Legal Research on Electronic Bills of Lading


  19. The Legal Status of Electronic Bills of Lading


  20. Whether the electronic bills of lading is effective to solve legal problem of classic bills of lading ;


  21. Straight bills of lading : principles and practice then the legal nature of straight bills of lading is discussed and different laws concerning it are compared .


  22. Compares the practice of electronic bills of lading with the existing laws , and highlights the various legal issues of electronic bills of lading . 3 .


  23. Then the legal nature of straight bills of lading is discussed and different laws concerning it are compared . The Function of Depository Receipts in the Capital Account Management


  24. Firstly , the concept of straight bills of lading is briefly introduced in the article ; then the legal nature of straight bills of lading is discussed and different laws concerning it are compared .


  25. On top of legal reserves , banks typically say how much they might have to pay in legal bills above what they have put away in reserves .
